The Bill of Rights offers a positive vision of a Portland-Metro area that’s a healthy, nurturing, and thriving place for everyone and every community who calls it home—not just an enclave of the 1%. It was built in consultation with dozens of organizers in the Portland-Metro area since the 2016 election and is a living document that can be changed over time.
Right #1
All Portland-Metro residents have the right to live in communities free from the fear of physical and mental harm. Portland-Metro area safety policies will prioritize decriminalization, harm reduction, prevention and care, rather than punishment, exclusion, profiling, threats, and retaliation.
Right #2
All Portland-Metro residents have the right to affordable, accessible, stable, and safe housing, free from discrimination.
Right #3
All Portland-Metro residents have the right to free public education from pre-K through college that is equitably and adequately funded, that focuses on both vocational training and critical thinking, that uses authentic assessments, is culturally inclusive, and directly addresses the ongoing history of oppressed communities in terms of access, content, and pedagogy.
Right #4
All Portland-Metro residents have the right to local government that is transparent, accountable, and participatory, that guarantees equal rights under the law, and is elected by the will of the people, not the will of money.
Right #5
All Portland-Metro residents have the right to local government that is funded well enough to provide the services our community needs. Households and businesses should be taxed according to their ability to pay: Wealthy individuals and big businesses will pay a higher proportion of their incomes in taxes and fees so lower income people and small business can pay less.
Right #6
All Portland-Metro residents have the right to live in a community that promotes health, defined as a state of complete physical, mental, social, and cultural and environmental well-being, and not merely the absence of disease.
Right #7
All Portland-Metro residents have the right to live in a city in which economic policies advance the needs of the many, not the privileged few. Public goods should be expanded and economic development should increase democratic decision-making and participation. The right to collectively bargain should be protected.
Right #8
All Portland-Metro residents have the right to publicly-owned transportation that is equitable, comprehensive, affordable, accessible, democratic, and guided by the principles of environmental justice.
Right #9
All Portland-Metro residents have the right to live in a region that is environmentally and socially just and sustainable.