The PMPC worked in coalition with Stop the Sweeps, Western Regional Advocacy Project (WRAP), Sisters of the Road, and other groups to bring an end to Enhanced Services District (ESDs) in Portland. ESDs are geographic areas (there are three in Portland: Downtown Clean & Safe, Lloyd, and Central Eastside) where private entities can legally collect mandatory public fees from property owners to spend however they wish. While some funds go toward purchases like holiday lights, the majority goes to private security patrols that harass and police the houseless in public space. After research and pressure from WRAP, the City Auditor conducted an award-winning audit that recommended the City review the purpose of these untransparent, unaccountable and undemocratic entities. Clean & Safe was up for renewal of its 10-year contract with Portland Business Alliance in 2021, and this coalition’s End Clean & Safe campaign won a halving of PBA’s contract term and a commitment to a public review. Please join us as we work to end ESDs, private policing and sweeps, and to keep public space public!